Accepted Events Team, Other Application - PistolPrincess


Former Staff
Former Staff
Jan 7, 2018
Reaction score
In-Game Name:

21 but forever 12 and 3/4

Position(s) you are applying for:
Events Team, Other

Estimated hours per week on our servers:

Server(s) you primarily play on:
easy surf

Are you active in the community outside of our game servers (Forums, Discord)?:

Would you commit yourself to regularly answering Call Admin pings via Discord?:

Days/Times of the week you are usually on:
morning on weekends & evenings on weekdays (EST) - not as active as before but surf_princess revived me

What unique qualities would you bring to the position(s) you are applying for?:
LONG overdue but better late than never, yea?

Unique qualities, well that’s a toughie but I’ve been told I’m quite easy to talk to … maybe that’s why I’m applying for a role that involves bringing people together; especially since we’re a “community” now.

I've also been an Events Lead in school where I organized events to bring our student community together. The experience allowed me to exercise my leadership and teamwork skills which I will leverage to enhance all the existing and new events. I hope my events background combined with positive mindset and collaborative/enthusiastic approach can be beneficial to the team.

Lastly, the existing events/leadership team and I might not know each other too well but I believe we hold mutual respect for each other and I can’t wait to use our combined energy towards something greater.

Have you ever had any administrative action taken upon you?:

Any additional information that is relevant:
I’m very egg-cited to part-y-cipate and whale do my best LOL

Jokes aside – thank you for your consideration 🙂
+1 Would be a good event team leader.
+1 is Canadian so would be legally bound to help whenever requested
+1 need another female to help balance out the dick ratio n assert control w me to over run the staff n take this server over w me
+73 but subtract one cuz no steam acc 🙁
I'll throw in the +1 you are very vested in the community and it would be good to have more ideas in the pot
+1 said my chicken looked nice

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