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  1. chilly

    The IRS is here to tell you to file your taxes!

    i 100%ed turnip boy commits tax evasion
  2. chilly

    What's up!

    sorry man you're the not that old sneak is about to turn 79
  3. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - SolarEclipz

    of course man, you are genuinely one of the best applicants ive seen for a while and if i had anything to do with the selection committee or whatever id be rooting for you all the way
  4. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - SolarEclipz

    same thing as pb tldr but i love u solar u deserve it and i think yuod be a great addition :-) +1
  5. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - Lifeline<3

    +1 racist
  6. chilly


    mask is so stiky
  7. chilly

    Denied Staff Application - NoManner, but most commonly known as Luke Thighwalker

    i want to believe this, but you named yourself "NoManner" which is what you showed me in the past.
  8. chilly

    Denied Staff Application - NoManner, but most commonly known as Luke Thighwalker

    unless if you changed since your last 3 apps, hard -1
  9. chilly

    ya like jazz

  10. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - whoobie

    -1 he plays valorant +1 he realizes he sucks
  11. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - whoobie

    whoobie = child so insta +1 great addition
  12. chilly

    Demote Lifeline

    all of thes are correct but masking is missing something. deadline is also a stupid bitch. oh yea he also stinks did you say how much he stinks
  13. chilly

    4/20 Minigames

    nothing is encouraged but that is in line with 4/20 tradition.
  14. chilly


    guyds i think sneak hates me he gets mad everytime i ping him in discord i dont know what to do im so broken my heart is broken
  15. chilly

    Last person who posts wins

    if ur phone vibrates off ur desk does that count as committing suicide???
  16. chilly


    gold called me her little chungus one time 10/10 would be called little chungus again
  17. chilly

    2020 In Review

    who was it
  18. chilly

    2020 In Review

    i peaked in 2020
  19. chilly

    Last person who posts wins


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