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  1. chilly

    Staff Application - NoManner_ (formerly known as Luke Thighwalker)

    i believe this is not your first application and i have said similar things each time. you should have probably taken my advice from the first ones and used it on this one, not only take the advice the 2nd or 3rd time.
  2. chilly

    Accepted/Completed aRPG Discord Channel

    include destiny and i will +1
  3. chilly

    Staff Application - NoManner_ (formerly known as Luke Thighwalker)

    -1. short application. being nice but "can switch real quick" is a bad quality. you need to be able to handle situations calmly and with respect to every party involved, even if they are acting out of line.
  4. chilly

    Staff Application - sand

    If you think you only have 30 or so hours I would work on getting those hours up! A large part of moderating any server is knowing and being acquainted with the community. Other than that this application is solid! Good job.
  5. chilly

    Staff Application - Htime

    I would recommend making your application a little bit longer to show how much you really want this position!
  6. chilly

    Moderator Application - Demi

    ehhhh +0 he likes xqc still
  7. chilly

    Last person who posts wins

    sneak hates us because no surf _ boner
  8. chilly

    Staff Application - nits0

    Thank you for revising your application and putting more care into it!
  9. chilly

    Staff Application - nits0

    A little short. I would recommend fleshing out your application a little bit more so the staff team knows you really want this position.
  10. chilly

    Game night! Saturday October 1st

    fall guys
  11. chilly


  12. chilly

    One Word Story

  13. chilly

    Staff Application - Canti

    -1 his pfp is a little frightening
  14. chilly


    looks good
  15. chilly

    Last person who posts wins

    awooga boob
  16. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - valuedkzed/.valuedķzed

    -1 plays valorant (i think)
  17. chilly

    Moderator Application - Demi

    i hate this guy so muhc +1
  18. chilly

    Accepted Staff Application - PossiblyNipsy

    some how got me to spend $6 on hotline miami 1 and 2 and now i am going into a mental breakdown trying to get past the fourth level +1
  19. chilly

    Staff Application - Penus

    +1 made fun of berrie
  20. chilly

    how 2 I blcxokce people on the furm as

    mask you're a good man

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