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  • Users: Nish
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  1. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

    ^ what he said
  2. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

    I could let you win, I have to be the last poster :StinkyCheese:
  3. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  4. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

    came to
  5. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  6. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  7. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  8. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  9. Nish

    Denied Staff Application - bep

    also that's not what this question is asking. It's asking if you've had a mod or admin take action against you, like if you have a ban, mute, kick, etc.
  10. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  11. Nish

    Accepted/Completed surf_twilight b1 trigger

    Seems super similar to Amir bonus window skip that sneak intentionally left in
  12. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

  13. Nish

    A Few Recommendations From A Wicked Ranked Player (Wicked btw) (Please Read) (1100+ words btw)

    bro is that the real goron elder skooks who won the sneaks knife giveaway? (Huntsman sapphire btw) +7
  14. Nish

    Christmas Movie Night Poll!

    yes it is
  15. Nish

    Accepted/Completed laser gleam2 b3

    The problem is that you shouldn't be doing any head hit but there's an invisible ceiling that dicks you. It feels like it's from the 4th lowest tier of the thingies straight across where I drew in blue. Or maybe it doesn't exist but I felt like it does and everyone I've watched somehow also hits...
  16. Nish

    Accepted/Completed laser gleam2 b3

    The head hit here is invisible and complete bs lmao pls sneak
  17. Nish

    Last person who posts wins

    page 500 lets go
  18. Nish

    Accepted/Completed Add NotSoBot to the Discord

    Another bot to spam #dumpster to an unusable state for 2 days and then never be used again paired with redundant moderation powers? No thanks

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