
  1. a-ha!

    sneaK's Servers makes a map?

    ok so i think this would be a fun idear.. so basically everyone is involved. they can share their ideas on what they want for the map. the tier, stages (linear?), bonuses etc.. etc.. how it would work: stages 3-6 (1-20) *3-6 ppl tier 1-3 (21-30) *1 ppl bonuses 1-3 (31-40) *1-3 ppl so basically...
  2. a-ha!

    sneak better read this...

    on this post i gave hanzo a 12/10 rate because he asked me too.. but then it dispere!!! :eek: if u do not put my rate back there i WILL get myself banned from the server and u will lose a VERY good member on SNEAKS SERVERS!!! u have 24 hours!!! :mad::mad: (this is the post btw)...

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