Denied Hawaii Admin app for Surf servers


New Member
Oct 2, 2017
Reaction score
  • What is your in-game name?
(yes i do live in Hawaii)
  • How old are you?
  • Link to your Steam Profile
  • Approximately how many hours a week do you usually play on our servers (average)?
  • Which one of our servers do you play on the most?
Easy surf (1-2) and Advanced surf (3-6)
  • How many hours a week would you be able to commit in the position(s) that you applied for?
15+ easy

  • What do you believe your role as an administrator includes? What kind of responsibilities?
Our job is to keep the peace at all costs. That means making sure people who break the rules receive the proper punishments but honestly it's more than just that. You don't have to break any rules to be considered toxic. Admins are there to make sure everyone can have a good time on the server without being ear raped or discriminated against.
  • Why do you want to become an administrator?
I'm currently one of three administrators on Turtlegaming and while I do love that community, I have been spending more time on Sneak's as of late. We have very similar rules on Turtlegaming and I enjoy being able to play in a server that i can tolerate. I have a lot fun on Sneak's and i want to make sure other people have a great time too.
  • Why should I choose you for an admin position?
I'm not going to lie, Sneak's already has a really good staff team. It's not exactly like you're in desperate need of help. Honestly I'm still gonna play the heck out of your servers regardless of your decision. But at least this way I'll be able to help keep the server cool and calm while I do it.
  • Anything else you would like to share that might be relevant to your application?
I started surfing 14 years ago in CS 1.6 and just picked it back up again about 6 months ago. I currently play +20-30 hours every week on turtle gaming but we are severely lacking in competition (I'm rank #2... and I'm not that great). You guys have so many great surfers that play here all the time and this environment appeals to me a lot more.

Well, thank you for reading! Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to fix or elaborate on.
Sorry everyone, you can disregard this application. The owner, co owner and chief of staff have decided to shut down turtlegaming so a friend and i have purchased it before it got lost for good. As co owner of the turtle community i won't have as much time to dedicate to sneaks as i was hoping. But thank you for your consideration.

- Hawaii

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