Denied miSery-'s Admin Application


New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score
  • What is your in-game name?
  • How old are you?
  • Link to your Steam Profile

  • Approximately how many hours a week do you usually play on our servers (average)?
Took a break, but back to 20-30 hours per week
  • Which one of our servers do you play on the most?
1v1 Arena server, and sometimes the surf server.
  • How many hours a week would you be able to commit in the position(s) that you applied for?
25-30 hours, depending on the actual job
  • What do you believe your role as an administrator includes? What kind of responsibilities?
Keeping the servers fun and inviting for everyone. This includes mitigating and stopping any sort harassment or derogatory comments being made in the servers. It also includes solving disputes between people, sometimes the whole story may not be apparent and I'm aware that it would be my job to hear everything involved and base my decision on doing the right thing.
  • Why do you want to become an administrator?
I spend a lot of time in the server every week, in fact it's the only community server I frequent. I've noticed that the 1v1 server becomes extremely toxic extremely quickly, and honestly it just becomes easier to leave the server than to try and weather the storm. I'd love to be able to assist in policing the server that I enjoy and that I spend so much time in.
  • Why should I choose you for an admin position?
I'm extremely active in the server, and am aware of all the rules. I've befriended quite a few of the admins that help me out when things are going over the edge and to far on the servers. I feel as though I've established myself pretty well on the 1v1 server, and have a good persona there. I would love to be a part of the team helping keep the game I enjoy fun to play on your servers.
  • Anything else you would like to share that might be relevant to your application?
I recently introduced my wife to the 1v1 server, and she now also frequents the server (maybe more than I do). Since she's joined the server, I've been amazed at the things that get tossed around by players casually without any thought to others around. I used to ignore it or not pay attention to what was being said, but it's honestly gotten insane. Even if I'm not selected, I'd love to see more options for veterans of the server to have a say and perhaps a means of enforcing the rules on the server. I truthfully enjoy playing on your servers, but sometimes it just becomes unbearable.


Server Moderator
Head Admin
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score
+1 sucks at 1v1s but still more active than me, cool dude


Well-Known Member
Lifetime VIP
Jun 14, 2017
Reaction score
+1 kicks ass in 1v1, and since dbo is pretty much the only active admin on there, it would be nice to have another one on there when he isn't on

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