Denied No Opponents Admin Application - 3/19/17

no opponent

New Member
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
  • What is your in-game name?: No Opponent.
  • How old are you?: 17 years of age, my birthdate is 7/19/99
  • Link to your Steam Profile:
  • Approximately how many hours a week do you usually play on our servers (average): id say about 20 or so.
  • Which one of our servers do you play on the most?: 1v1
  • How many hours a week would you be able to commit in the position(s) that you applied for?: as many as required.
What do you believe your role as an administrator includes? What kind of responsibilities?: Responsibility in resolving situations the same way sneak would want them to be resolved. As administrators its our job to keep the server running smoothly and keeping people who dont obey the rules accountable.

Why do you want to become an administrator?: I play on the server enough, and a lot of the time I see people screeching into their microphone or yesterday I was sure I saw someone spinbotting. I just want to help the community as a whole and everyone apart of it as well.

Why should I choose you for an admin position?: Because I will more than likely put the most playtime into the server as I use the 1v1 server not only to warm up but 9/10 times I dont really want to play comp, and I always join the server cause its a fun relaxing environment (usually.)

Anything else you would like to share that might be relevant to your application?:
This I'm sure isn't very different of how everyone else feels but I feel as if I take a very unique approach to dealing with situations, and would rather work things out instead of banning, unless its a zero tolerance policy such as cheating.
" I will more than likely put the most playtime into the server"

good meme
Toasty -
31.1 hours past 2 weeks
Noldyy -
103.9 hours past 2 weeks
le memed
yeah but at least toasty mutes people when they scream the n word into their mic. I +1 this fine gentleman's admin application.
yeah but at least toasty mutes people when they scream the n word into their mic.


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