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Well I would be lying if I said I didnt learn anything more about Hammer through this porting of my old 2014 map. I cant speak for any techniques I used back in 2014 (dont remember) but indeed looking back at them there is some pretty bad unalignment and such that youve pointed out. Im still learning more and more about Hammer almost every time I use it. For example I never even knew about the vertex tool until today and just now learned about the significance of:


these little checkboxes were whats been stumping me as far as the texture alignment has gone so far when updating the map but now that I figured it out the textures should all align for flat surfaces.

I used the vertex tool to align the ramp railings the best I can. They look pretty clean now.

Thank you for being so patient with my updates to fix all these minor errors that have gone overlooked until now. With the extra tools Ive learned from making these changes and from the other map development ive done ever since making the original aim_jungle in 2014 if I were to continue making am_ maps you can be certain everything would line up perfectly xD

I will let you know once the next version has been uploaded and approved on the workshop.
If you didn't know you can align textures easily by highlighting a texture and then alt right clicking the brush next to it
gif for example

Also feel free to join the discord, if you ever need help with map stuff go ahead and ask 😀
If you didn't know you can align textures easily by highlighting a texture and then alt right clicking the brush next to it
gif for example

Also feel free to join the discord, if you ever need help with map stuff go ahead and ask 😀

any clue if that works regardless of world/face orientation? The issue was that all the brushes were using world orientation but when I mirrored the sides and eventually replaced badly sliced brushes with new ones some had different world orientations so when I did "lift + select" on one and then "apply textures and values" on the one next to it the textures wouldn't line up because of something to do with the world orientation. When I made them all use face orientation it stopped that issue from happening.

The full compilation just finished and everything is looking as it should. I will reply once again once it's approved on the workshop.
Gonna be honest I don't mess with those world and face align boxes so I have no idea lol

In the future you may wish to nodraw areas of the map that are not visible to players (i.e. the underside of each arena) to save in compile time and possibly some increased fps for the client. Not a big deal for this map since it's not super intensive, but map optimization can be key 👍

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