Funny things you've heard on the servers


Person 1: Hey does anyone have 4 dollars I can have?

Person 2: What do you need 4 dollars for? You gonna buy drugs?

Person 1: No, drugs are like 8 dollars I think...
[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Issued an extended mute on Deny for 20 minutes (reason: Doesn't know de wae).

=(e)= ImmaZombie!! : actually egypt is in egyptia

✪ FauxPlace : kissing girls is gay because girls kiss guys so your kissing guys.
fud : i bet you give good weenie touches you faggot
hacker connected.
hacker : !longhop
hacker : !longjump
hacker : How do I do longhops
[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Permanently banned player "hacker" (reason: SMAC Custom: Movement Cheat Detected).
lesbian until proven gay
some dude: ok i didn't call you fat jackie someone said "would you rather fuck tachi or jackie" and we said tachi cuz you sound WALMART THICC

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