Accepted/Completed Lagged Times

dam u guys must suck to not be able to beat a shit run lmao
semesterbreak b1
Snek Edit:
Post times of lagged stages here!

snek said he would make thread but never did
pin this bich
spacejam s1, slow startzone and he told me he wasnt even goin for cp, dosent know how he got it. please look into it thanks..
surf_colours s1 (rank 1 only)
surf_colours s6 (rank 1 only)
surf_simpsons_go_rc2 s1 (multiple)
surf_classics s9 (rank 1 only)
surf_classics s10 (rank 1 only)
surf_ezpz_fifiedition s1 (multiple)
surf_ezpz_fifiedition s3 (multiple)
surf_autism s1 (rank 1 & 2)
surf_parc_colore s4 (multiple)
surf_rookie s13 (multiple; first few times are based off of a random drop-down including mine)

surf_water-run_b5_refix b1 (rank 1 only;
Last edited:
surf_not_so_sinister stage 1

Last edited:

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