Moderator Position Overview

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Operations Team
Server Moderator
Aug 23, 2016
Reaction score
Welcome to the Moderator Overview! Outlined below is a short summary of what the Moderator position covers, and what the community's expectations are.

Position Description:
Moderators are players that are integrated with the in-game player base on our game servers. While the community generally self-moderates, on occasion someone needs to jump in and take the reigns to ensure a positive and fun playing experience for all. This is where moderators come in: to encourage less toxic behavior, but when it comes to it, issue communication restrictions if need be. Moderators are supervised by Administrators.

Position Requirements:
  • 15+ only, 18+ preferred
  • 30+ hours of playtime on the server you are applying for
  • No VAC/Game bans on record in the past year
  • No community bans within the past 6 months
  • An endorsement from a current Administrator or a Moderator (3+ months in position)
Position Expectations:
  • A sense of responsibility
  • A thorough understanding of our community rules
  • A tactful approach to administrating (non-confrontational)
  • A deep understanding of the server(s) that are being moderated; its players, game mode, etc
  • A commitment to regularly answer calladmins from the moderated servers when necessary
  • The ability to get along with others, be helpful, and have a good reputation within the server population, and turn a negative situation into a positive one
The Moderator position earns you a shiny badge on the forum and a separate Discord role!

Interested in helping the community and want to apply? Hop on over to the Staff Application Form and let us know!
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