Feedback the new tag system sucks for us vips with custom tags


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
Reaction score
Okay so i saw the new update with the introduction of the new chat system!
I don't like it mainly because my custom tag that i pay for is not showing up except when i type witch is prob a waist of my money because that is what i paid for. for him to do this detours me away from wanting vip when the only time i can see my tag is when i'm typing. I only type when i'm muted or on voice_enable 1.
what i would like to have change was the !titles command so i can put on my "memester" tag on,and see it when i talk. Thank you for reading i hope you take my complaint into consideration.
Hi slender, thanks for making a post after we spoke last night briefly about it.

Regarding custom tags, the custom surf tag was never a guaranteed donor perk, it was given out on a first-come, first-serve basis, and was actually removed as an advertised donor perk back in August. When I say it wasn't a guaranteed donor perk, it's because it was only available to first 15 donors. This turned into an even lesser number when I found out certain name tag slots were broken by the surf timer. Hard coded are VIP, Teacher, and Admin tags, so that brings us down from 15 to 12, and the last 2 tag slots were bugged, so we only had 10 available at any given time.

Regarding the new chat processing system, this was brought up 8 days ago, discussed in the servers, and any community member could freely participate, vote, and voice their concerns. See:

As you can see this new, more standard system allows for an unlimited number of tags, and separates the ranking system from fun custom tags. It also allows for more consistent tags/colors throughout all servers, and creates more actual donor perks. I'm always on the hunt for more donor perks. The surf timer chat processing also opened up some serious security holes, which this fixes. At the time I had some sort of hacky fixes, but nothing I was comfortable with for long-term.

I've had only one other person complain about this change and it's for almost the opposite reason - ranks don't show up in chat. Last night (on stream) when I was in the server, I had more people praise the new system in 5 minutes, than people have complained since the change was made days ago. The surf timer we use limits us greatly with what we could do, if we had someone who could do some coding to improve the timer we have, this situation could be avoided. Unfortunately, that's just not the case at the moment. The servers don't generate enough revenue to hire a coder to make these kinds of modifications.

Candidly: Ranks aren't meant to be a dick swinging contest, and now they're all displayed in one place, on the scoreboard. I've left the VIP tag available on the scoreboard for donors to use that if they really wish. If you're worried about your tag not showing up in voice chat, that's such a tiny overview of the situation, maybe you're using voice chat too much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Long story short, this change will not get reverted unless there are some serious concerns, but so far the overall community reaction to this has been quite positive. If you're unhappy with the change and donated only for that reason that you specified, I'm sorry you misunderstood. Feel free to shoot me a message and I'd be happy to work out a refund for all of your donor perks.
Just a follow up, let's look at it a different way. If I were to hypothetically revert back to the old system:
  • Maximum of 10 custom tags
  • No chat colors
  • No name colors
  • No chat filter for racism
  • Re-introduce old security holes & allow exploits
  • No name changes are shown in chat (so people can come on and mic spam and you dont know who it is)
So basically less donor perks, more exploits and more cancer. Changing custom tags 2-5 times a week ends up taking a lot of valuable time, in retrospect I never should have offered this in the first place.
10/10 like the update dont revert
i mean it was way better b 4 not trying to whine but the new system sucks i liked having the tag be usable 24/7 instead of only seeing it in chat. There has 2 be a way to have the old tag system and chat filter.
well after thinking about it i think i will put my argument to rest becuase me making it worse in my head inst how it is i was just looking at the bad so now im going to look at the good 😀.Before there was no chat filter so now that there is will take a tole of some admins that get on during "kid hours". so you dont have to change it i will stop complaining about it
Just a follow up, let's look at it a different way. If I were to hypothetically revert back to the old system:
  • Maximum of 10 custom tags
  • No chat colors
  • No name colors
  • No chat filter for racism
  • Re-introduce old security holes & allow exploits
  • No name changes are shown in chat (so people can come on and mic spam and you dont know who it is)
So basically less donor perks, more exploits and more cancer. Changing custom tags 2-5 times a week ends up taking a lot of valuable time, in retrospect I never should have offered this in the first place.
- that's still quite a lot
- I haven't seen one person use chat colour
- Name colour aka our rank??? I've had like 5 different name colours now none
- you can still easily use racism on the server, insanely easy still and if someone is going to be an edgy racism lord they're going to either way
- I've witnessed this maybe 10 times in the year I've played on here

As for the almost all "positive" reaction, its mainly from vip who already had the extra perks. All the people I've talked to who are "key" and high ranking members on the server said they didn't like it. Also 5 people voting isn't a very good demographic for the whole server when 4 of them were vip.

I 100% agree with Slender, though it pains me to say that.
I'm going to go ahead and close this out since it's been over 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything from anyone else on the matter. I'll look for future improvements for the meantime, but no promises on anything.

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