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holy shit i was not wrong, went and watched your twitch for 10 seconds and holy fuck i couldint of been more right about the bot and silver parts. holy fuck, i dont even care about being unbanned at this point because ill just roll any of the 12 year old staff members and get banned again.
Got salty after i shit talked him in discord. Said it doesn't matter how many skins you have, just proves u have 0 common sense, the amount of common sense lacked in this retard is amazing, i would be impressed if you still have a brain cell remaining. This community a jokes and is full of a bunch of incompetent silver admins who have never staffed in there lives. Talk when ur not as useless as ur parents
Hey man i know this isn't really the right place i just couldn't find out how to appeal a ban but i just want to say i got banned a long time ago and i actually forget the reason why. My friends keep telling me to get on and it always hurts me seeing that i'm banned every time i try to join. id like to talk about this ty.

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