I'm HUuUUGGGeLY on the fence with not only you Sheam, but others applying also, theres just been 5 new staff members added 1 week ago so there isn't any new mods needed right now.
I would give you a +1 as you're knowing in the community, even if you did have a break for 2 months and came back everyone was welcoming you and you became more active in surf talking on mic instead of just text, which is great!
but I would also give you a -1 for having a history for (to other ppl) random break/s out of the blue to either do irl stuff or just having a break offline, thats personal and not my place to ask or tell. If your breaks were more noted then things could be worked around, theres already a few staffs thats inactive or at least trying to be more active than they use to be and it wouldn't be fair for there to be another staff member doing it again.
So for this i'm on the fence and once I see more activity even if its just in the discord then that'd easy change this to a +1 !
good luck 🙂