Moderator Application - Sheam

I'm HUuUUGGGELY on the fence due to the fact that Sheam is 18 years old, as he has just hit his maturing level of becoming an adult. I feel that maturity is needed to become a great moderator on this AmAzInG surf server.
"I don't really know what's going, but you're all retarded." - not mike (June 4, 2018).

I will provide an exquisite +1 as you're nice and a cat lover within the community, and that you spend lots of hours within CS:GO each week to provide a well balanced view of the Surf servers.

Though I feel that Sheam is a weakness, on how he is very positive and never negative. SnkSrv's need to switch, need something more "refreshing" for these new comers. I, not mike, a Veteran surfer, believe that Sheam should be the first toxic moderator, applying only negative comments to people that believe Sneak's servers are some play ground.

So after saying all of this, the fence I was on has broke, so now it's time for me to go.

Serious note: +1, overall nice guy.
I, not mike, a Veteran surfer, believe that Sheam should be the first toxic moderator, applying only negative comments to people that believe Sneak's servers are some play ground.

Have you MET me?
i'm h-huuuugggewy o-ony the fenyce w-with nyot o-onywy you sheam, but othews appwyinyg a-awso, thewes just beeny 5-5 ny-nyew s-staff m-membews a-added 1 week ago so thewe -most wikewy* isny't a-a nyeed fow anyy nyew mods nyeeded wight ny-nyow.

i w-wouwd give you a +1 as you'we k-knyowinyg iny the communyity, eveny if you did have a bweak f-fow 2 monyths anyd came back e-evewyonye w-was wewcominyg y-you anyd you became m-mowe active iny s-suwf t-tawkinyg ony m-mic inystead o-of j-just text, which i-is gweat!

but i w-wouwd awso give you a ---1 fow havinyg a histowy fow (to othew ppw) wanydom bweak/s o-out of the bwue to eithew do iww stuff ow just havinyg a bweak offwinye, thats p-pewsonyaw anyd nyot my p-pwace to ask o-ow teww. if youw b-bweaks wewe mowe nyoted theny t-thinygs c-couwd be wowked a-awounyd, thewes awweady a few staffs t-thats inyactive o-ow at weast t-twyinyg to b-be m-mowe active thany t-they use to be anyd it wouwdny't be faiw fow t-thewe t-to be anyothew s-staff membew doinyg it a-againy.

so f-fow this i'm o-ony the fenyce a-anyd onyce i see mowe activity eveny i-if its just iny t-the discowd theny that'd e-easy chanyge this to a +-+1 ! owo
+1, hes a weeb so hes a cool guy, almost always on when i get on smile

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