Server Update - 11/26/21

  • Staff
Hey everyone, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We're holding a small Black Friday sale for 10% off all Store Credits and most VIP packages in the Donation Store, this will be live until Monday the 29th!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_anubis (T6 Staged)
    • surf_aquaflow (T2 Linear)
    • surf_slob (T2 Staged)
  • Fixed replay bot spawn issue on surf_elysium
  • Fixed surf_aquaflow Bonus 2
  • Resolved double boosting on 8bit B1
  • Added Movement HUD (!mhud) to Top 100/VIP server for server load testing. This offers a high precision speedo, last jump speed, show keys, customizable colors & locations, and much more. See the video here for more info and let us know if this is something you would like to see on all surf servers!
  • Added new global maps:
    • kz_ambition (T7)
    • kz_bhop_composure (T4)
    • kz_hb_3kliksphilip (T1)
    • kz_hb_fafnir (T5)
    • kz_kiwionerous (T2)
    • kz_kzro_greybrickbhop (T2)
    • kz_moon (T7)
    • kz_perplexity_perfection (T7)
    • kz_retreat (T3)
    • kz_slide_arid (T7)
    • kz_slide_isnt_kz (T5)
    • kz_sp1_inverseblocks (T2)
    • kz_sp1_whiteblocks (T2)
    • kz_visralzxc (T3)
    • vnl_undefined (T3)
  • Fixed Global PB command
  • Added dynamic time limit on GOKZ server, will be helpful for longer maps
  • Resolved a stamina issue on Vanilla mode on GOKZ server
  • Added ranking plugin to GOKZ server
  • Fixed some map-specific crashes
  • Added !showtriggers command for VIP's on bhop
  • Added !strafetrainer command for VIP's on bhop
  • Adjusted a few de_ancient spawns on retakes
  • Fixed pure client checks on Retakes #2 and Arenas #2
All servers:
  • Removed dollar sign from center hud (requires connection and game restart for persistence)
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