Welcome to Sneak's Community, an open and fun gaming community for all!

Here at Sneak's, we aren't like other communities... there is no application, no membership - just fun and friends. For over half a decade, we have been providing a fun, safe, and quality experience to all who join our game servers and community.

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Server Update - 11/26/21

  • 4,537
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Hey everyone, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We're holding a small Black Friday sale for 10% off all Store Credits and most VIP packages in the Donation Store, this will be live until Monday the 29th!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_anubis (T6 Staged)
    • surf_aquaflow (T2 Linear)
    • surf_slob (T2 Staged)
  • Fixed replay bot spawn issue on surf_elysium
  • Fixed surf_aquaflow Bonus 2
  • Resolved double boosting on 8bit B1
  • Added Movement HUD (!mhud) to Top 100/VIP server for server load testing. This offers a high precision speedo, last jump speed, show keys, customizable colors & locations, and much more. See the video here for more info and let us know if this is something you would like to see on all surf servers!
  • Added new global maps:
    • kz_ambition (T7)
    • kz_bhop_composure (T4)
    • kz_hb_3kliksphilip (T1)...

Server Update - 10/6/21

  • 3,381
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Hey everyone, I hope you had a great summer! I haven't posted an update here in a few months, and I'm looking to make that more regular again. Prioritizing content has been key, and I will still post more regular additions in Discord, if you're not there yet (you should be).

Well let's get this party started, everything here will be from the last posted update (5/7) forward.

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_anzchamps (Tier 2 Staged Linear, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_autonomy (Tier 6 Staged, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_constrictor_remix - Tier 4 Linear, 1 Bonus
    • surf_deadline (Tier 2 Staged, 2 Bonuses)
    • surf_giza (Tier 2 Linear, 7 Bonuses)
    • surf_gloomy - Tier 6 Staged, 4 Bonuses
    • surf_harmony (T2 Staged, 3 Bonuses)
    • surf_hektik (T4 Linear, 5 Bonuses)
    • surf_huh (T3 Linear, 6 Bonuses)
    • surf_inferno - Tier 4 Linear, 2 Bonuses
    • surf_kimetrik (Tier 3 Staged, 2 Bonuses)
    • surf_nova (Tier 2 Linear)
    • surf_perennial (T1 Staged)...

Server Update - 5/7/21

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Update round-up is here! Last month was not posted so this will be quite thick with content. Updates are always posted in our Discord as they happen, round-ups are posted here on the website.

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_29palms (T4 Staged)
    • surf_boreas (T1 Linear)
    • surf_crush2 (T6 Linear)
    • surf_enlightened (T1 Linear)
    • surf_fortress (T4 Staged)
    • surf_illusion (T2 Staged)
    • surf_monotony (T3 Staged)
    • surf_n_turf (T1 Staged)
    • surf_parachutes (T4 Staged)
    • surf_paradigm (T4 Linear)
    • surf_ravine_go (T1 Linear)
    • surf_road_to_hell (T1 Staged)
    • surf_rooftopsv2 (Tier 1 Staged)
    • surf_serenity2 (T4 Staged)
    • surf_sluice2 (T4 Linear)
    • surf_stonks (T2 Linear)
    • surf_thesteve (T5 Staged)
  • surf_ardon_fix > surf_ardon_refix
  • Fixed missing wall skip on Bonus 5 of surf_serenity2
  • Fixed weapon cleanup issue
  • Added new global maps:
    • kz_allure (T3)...

Server Upate - 3/4/21

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New content from the past month through today, enjoy!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_8bit (T2)
    • surf_arcade (T2)
    • surf_boy_fixed (T2)
    • surf_clujreek (T3)
    • surf_gudrun (T3)
    • surf_het (T1)
    • surf_lockdown (T2)
    • surf_lovhon (T2)
    • surf_minigolf (T3)
  • Took care of time reports
  • Added new global maps:
    • kz_armored_core (T5)
    • kz_bluu (T4)
    • kz_cranking_the_hog (T1)
    • kz_itz_transcendent (T3)
    • kz_mandelbrot (T4)
    • kz_neoncity_z (T6)
    • kz_northkorean_censorship (T4)
    • kz_procrastination (T6)
    • kz_slide_concrete (T4)
    • kz_slide_rawr_xdeee (T7)
    • kz_sp1_katakana (T5)
    • kz_surf_ace (T3)
    • kz_drunkards_mental_patch -> kz_drunkards_mental_patch_v2
    • kz_bhop_monster_jam -> kz_bhop_monsterjam
    • kz_darkfury -> kz_dark_fury
  • Added new maps:
    • bhop_bram_halloween
    • bhop_enlightened2
    • bhop_future_city
    • bhop_hellish_dream
    • bhop_lade_v2
    • bhop_mall...

Server Update - 2/3/21

  • 4,859
  • 4
Hey all, I hope you have been enjoying the new year thus far and have been staying healthy and safe. A little recap of this past month's updates:

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_fiellu (T2)
    • surf_limbo (T4)
    • surf_polonia (T5)
    • surf_runner (T1, also available on Beginner Surf)
    • surf_tendies (T1)
    • surf_treasurehunt_go (T1)
  • Significantly lowered triggers on surf_corner stage 3 and stage 6
  • Fixed Bonus 2 of surf_lt_omnific_fix not registering times

  • Added new Global maps:
    • kz_alfama (T2)
    • kz_anotherclimbmap (T4)
    • kz_antiquity (T2)
    • kz_ashen (T2)
    • kz_betapmaps (T4)
    • kz_bhop_monster_jam (T2)
    • kz_bigcastle (T3)
    • kz_bridge17_fix (T2)
    • kz_byrem (T3)
    • kz_darkfury (T1)
    • kz_divided (T4)
    • kz_dontjump (T4)
    • kz_drunkards_mental_patch (T6)
    • kz_erbajerb (T2)
    • kz_eudora (T4)
    • kz_gary (T2)
    • kz_kiwi_cod (T6)
    • kz_loathe (T4)
    • kz_lovely (T5)
    • kz_luv_less (T4)
    • kz_pendulum (T6)...

Website Update - 1/5/21

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Quite a few updates/changes have happened web-side, so it was worthy of its own update post!
  • Fixed intermittent 52X Cloudflare errors
  • Improved page speed loading in certain scenarios
  • Improved web security (TLS 1.2+ enforced)
  • DB server stability issues around the 18th have been resolved - our host has identified the issue and dealt with it accordingly. I have been looking into high-availability options to mitigate possible downtime in the future, although there is not a 'one solution fits all' answer for us.
  • Improved backup-time performance

The website has seen a significant upgrade, Xenforo has released a very nice feature update, I will share the highlights (along with some changes I have made):
  • Added GIPHY support
    Dance Dancing GIF by The Dude Perfect Show

  • Improved anti-spam measures
  • New, customizable rich text editor
  • Saved drafts increased to 7 day...

Server Update - 1/5/21

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Before we start off, I want to wish everyone a very happy new year! I hope this year brings you great joy, and success in all that you do.

That being said, I want to apologize for being a bit behind on the web updates. Content additions (mainly maps) are mainly announced as they happen in our Discord, however I like to do more of a monthly wrap-up here to really get down to the nitty gritty with what has been changed/fixed/added/etc, which I was a bit behind on, so this will be a large one.

Reminder: This is a fruit roll-up of updates since the last update post.

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_amaranthine (Tier 3) (Thanks Kuiq Kuiq)
    • surf_crackdesert_evo2 (Tier 2)
    • surf_easy1 (Tier 1)
    • surf_easy2 (Tier 1)
    • surf_ebony (Tier 2)
    • surf_frey_remake (Tier 2)
    • surf_in_space_go (Tier 2)
    • surf_leesriize (Tier 2)
    • surf_lianfora (Tier 1)
    • surf_revolution (Tier 4)
    • surf_salvia (Tier 3) (Thanks...

Server Update - 10/12/20

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Big ol update post with something for everyone, enjoy!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_cannonball (Tier 4 Linear, 2 Bonuses)
    • surf_frey2_go (Tier 3 Linear, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_gradient (Tier 2 Linear)
    • surf_mate (Tier 2 Linear, 5 Bonuses)
    • surf_midsommar (Tier 3 Staged, 4 Bonuses)
    • surf_secluded (Tier 4, 4 Bonuses)
  • Re-worked surf_bob:
    • Removed all "hidden" teleporters that allowed you to skip stages, wiped all times that utilized these
    • Converted reverse push on stage 1 to a fail trigger
    • Moved certain stage spawns forward, outside of invisible clip brushes
    • Lowered last stage trigger by first skip
    • Added bonus
  • Changes to surf_rands Bonus 3:
    • Placed an additional teleport that bypasses an existing landmark teleport which fails in certain situations
    • Nulled teleport speed of a CS:S fix teleport to prevent unexpected failures
  • Normalized teleport angles on surf_004_fix
  • Added surf_reytx to...

Server Update - 9/23/20

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  • Added new maps:
    • surf_celestial (T5 Linear, 3 Bonuses)
    • surf_hotrod (T2 Linear, 2 Bonuses)
    • surf_loweffort (T4 Staged, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_replicant (T6 Staged, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_sacrifice (T4 Staged, 1 Bonus)
    • surf_salvation (T5 Linear, 2 Bonuses)
  • A few Surf Timer updates: Added functionality, a couple small bug fixes and optimizations
  • surf_solace: T6 > T4
  • Normalized teleport angles upon failing stages on surf_lt_omnific_fix
  • Improved surf_ameliorate Bonus 1 end zone
  • Added lasers to surf_waterworks window skip

  • Added new Global maps on 9/7:
    • kz_andromeda (T4)
    • kz_angina_final (T6)
    • kz_beanguy_v2 (T1)
    • kz_chloroplast (T6)
    • kz_crash_fix (T3)
    • kz_emptiness (T3)
    • kz_exemplum (T3)
    • kz_hemochromatosis (T6)
    • kz_ladderdespair (T5)
    • kz_longjumps_easy (T3)
    • kz_owtetad (T1)
    • kz_skybridge (T3)
    • kz_symmetry (T2)
    • vnl_invasion (T5)
    • vnl_whiterun (T1)
    • kz_correguachin_final >...

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