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Server Update - 8/28/20

  • 697
  • 0
Happy Friday all!

We are actively recruiting for the Operations and Events teams! If you wish to actively help us behind the scenes and volunteer some time/expertise, feel free to head on over to the Staff Applications section.

Here is the update round-up of the past month.

  • Added surf_blackheart (T6 Linear)
  • Added surf_solace (Tier 5 Staged)
  • Added surf_stitched (T5 Staged)
  • Fixed surf_sunset2_fix stage 2 booster
  • Fixed clip exploit on surf_trihard stage 3
  • Surf Timer - Minor performance improvements and small various fixes
  • Added new KZ Global maps:
    • bkz_pogo (T3)
    • bkz_zephyr_v2 (T2)
    • kz_antharas (T5)
    • kz_avalon (T2)
    • kz_bloodline (T3)
    • kz_cereal (T3)
    • kz_coastline_gl (T3)
    • kz_how2slide (T3)
    • kz_list_gnida (T4)
    • kz_mieszaneuczucia (T6)
    • kz_slide_vaahtera (T4)
    • kz_slowrun_global (T6)
    • kz_theaquila (T4)
    • kz_zaloopazxc (T6)...

Server Update - 7/30/20

  • 1,164
  • 0
Bit of a content round-up from the month, I hope everyone is able to enjoy their summer as much as possible!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_feudal (Tier 5 Staged)
    • surf_fungus (Tier 4 Linear)
    • surf_premium (Tier 2 Staged)
    • surf_sanctuary (Tier 1 Staged)
    • surf_zoomathon (Tier 1 Linear)
  • Small timer optimization

  • Added new maps pending global status:
    • kz_antigeneric (T2)
    • kz_antimony (T4)
    • kz_anus (T2)
    • kz_delphinium (T1)
    • kz_glide (T2)
    • kz_kohzesucks (T2)
    • kz_kzro_gohome (T2)
    • kz_motivated (T3)
    • kz_nieh (T4)
    • kz_nightcastle (T4)
    • kz_noobfort (T5)
    • kz_portal (T2)
    • kz_rectangle (T4)
    • kz_splopkopsc_frickricky_v2 (T2)
    • kz_trazodon_fix (T4) - Fix of kz_trazodon
    • kz_bananaysoda_v2 (T5) - Fix of kz_bananaysoda_fix
  • The GOKZ Replay Viewer is back up, big thanks to Ruto Ruto and Nicell Nicell for...

Server Update - 6/30/20

  • 1,349
  • 1
In case you haven't seen it yet, we are hosting a 1v1 Tournament with a crowd-funded prize pool! At the time of this post it is over $200, click here for more info: https://snksrv.com/threads/sneaks-1v1-tournament.3379/

  • Timer changes:
    • Fixed an exploit with moving to spec while timer running
    • Fixed language improperly changing
  • Added:
    • surf_eventide (Tier 1 Linear)
    • surf_greensway (Tier 2 Linear)
    • surf_sunday (Tier 3 Staged)
    • surf_unraveled (Tier 3 Staged)
  • Added:
    • bhop_evolve (Tier 1)
    • bhop_silly (Tier 6)
    • bhop_souptop_final (Tier 3)
    • bhop_straa_babylon (Tier 1)
    • bhop_straa_caves (Tier 1)
    • bhop_straa_forest (Tier 1)
    • bhop_straa_space (Tier 2)
    • bhop_unicolor (Tier 2)
    • bhop_vandora (Tier 6)
    • bhop_xorex (Tier 1)
  • Fixed ztopwatch being unusable on KZT servers
1v1 Arenas
  • Added am_dust1999...

Server Update - 6/7/20

  • 728
  • 0
Happy June all, quick roundup of the past few weeks!

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_axil (Tier 4 Staged)
    • surf_concretejungle (Tier 4 Staged)
    • surf_luminaris (Tier 2 Staged)
    • surf_vitun_rotta (Tier 3 Linear)

  • Updated GOKZ to 2.9.0 (Release Notes)
  • Updated KZTimer to 1.96 (Release notes)
  • Fixed KZTimer identifying players in unknown countries
  • Fixed Top/VIP server improperly disabling global records intermittently
  • Added new KZ Global maps:
    • bkz_itz_h25l (T2)
    • kz_alt_aztec (T2)
    • kz_binseebak (T3)
    • kz_dank_stacks (T3)
    • kz_kzra_hohum (T3)
    • kz_kzro_brickstgrass (T2)
    • kz_milehigh (T3)
    • kz_pamxul_wip (T4)
    • kz_slide_deee (T5)
    • kz_suomi (T4)
    • kz_weebfactory_censored (T2)
    • xc_alt_nephilim (T3)...

Server Update - 5/16/20

  • 956
  • 0
  • Added surf_hunty (Tier 4 Staged)
  • Added surf_lovetunnel (Tier 1 Linear)
  • Added surf_palais (Tier 2 Linear)
  • Added surf_psychedelia (Tier 3 Linear)
  • Added surf_theme (Tier 4 Staged)
  • surf_rolly is now surf_rolly_fix (FPS improvements and a couple various fixes), times ported
  • surf_arghmyeyes is now surf_arghmyeyes_retexture, no longer destroys your eyeballs, times ported
  • Re-zoned surf_lighthouse
  • Normalized teleport angles on surf_krow10, fixed various odd teleports
  • Lasered left side of the start on surf_newb_hazard_r1
  • Fixed being stuck in permanent anti-grav on surf_activation if reset used at a specific part of the map
  • Added missing fail trigger to S2 of surf_ny_superhappiest_b3_fix
  • Added am_subzero
  • Temporarily removed the store on the bhop servers until a fix is found for the random spawn issue
  • Fixed ban appeal link on sourcebans
  • Fixed progress bar exceeding acceptable bounds on Servers...

Server Update - 5/4/20

  • 791
  • 2
Roll-up of a whole lot of new content since the last update!

Added new surf maps:
  • surf_original (Tier 6 Linear)
  • surf_quarantine (Tier 4 Staged)
  • surf_rolly (Tier 3 Staged)
  • surf_sanguine (Tier 3 Staged)
  • surf_squirrelsonvacation (Tier 2 Linear)
Added new global KZ maps:
  • kz_alien_city (T6)
  • kz_celestial (T3)
  • kz_generic (T2)
  • kz_kzra_bars (T3)
  • kz_kzra_cliffy (T2)
  • kz_refract (T2)
  • kz_roman (T3)
  • kz_shortcut_tx (T3)
KZ maps fixed with times/bots ported:
  • kz_halicarnassus > kz_halicarnassus_fs
  • kz_nightfall_fix > kz_nightfall
  • kz_slidemap_ez > kz_slidemap
Bhop maps added:
  • bhop_crates_crates_pastiche
  • bhop_fool_2
  • bhop_madness
  • bhop_movetothetrees
  • bhop_pikkulauantai
  • bhop_samcollab
New 1v1 Arenas maps added:
  • am_lockers
  • am_pokemon_arena_v2
  • Fixed Vertigo spawns (if there are still any issues please report them)
The #livestreams...

Server Update - 4/12/20

  • 978
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  • Added surf_korn (T2 Staged)
  • Added surf_whynot (T6 Staged)
  • Added bhop_pandora (T2)
  • Added bhop_techno_easy (T2)
  • bhop_nova -> bhop_nova_fix
  • Fixed a couple bhop map crashes
  • Replaced server redirect plugin across all servers - you can now seamlessly hop servers with the click of a button, no need to copy and paste anymore! You can also see who is playing on which server through the in-game !servers menu.
  • Fixed server name length limitation on Arenas servers

Server Update - 4/6/20

  • 768
  • 0
Hey all, little bit of a content update here for you guys.

If you are in our Discord you'll have already seen that I announced an extension to our VIP Sale - this will continue as real world quarantines remain ongoing. We want you to stay safe and keep coming back!

Several new map additions/changes:

  • surf_stick (Tier 3 Staged)
  • kz_aether_fix (Tier 5)
  • kz_civilizations (Tier 4)
  • kz_johndoe (Tier 2)
  • kz_ladderhell_fix (Tier 5)
  • kz_malignom_short (Tier 3)
  • kz_slide_koira (Tier 3)
  • xc_minecraft4 (Tier 2)
  • bkz_synergy_ez -> kz_synergy_ez
  • bkz_synergy_x -> kz_synergy_x
  • kz_babycat -> kz_babycat_fix
1v1 Arenas:
  • am_gulag_2020_test
  • bhop_badges2_csgo (Tier 6)
  • bhop_desert_smoke (Tier 3)
  • bhop_nova (Tier 6)
  • bhop_rip_juss (Tier 1)
  • bhop_tachyonic -> bhop_tachyonic_csgo
  • bhop_victory -> bhop_victory_nya
  • Adjusted a...

Server Update - 3/28/20

  • 807
  • 0
Surf Updates:
  • Added surf_sylvan (Tier 3 Linear, 1 Bonus)
  • Lowered and moved the spawn back on Bonus 3 of surf_activation
Competitive Servers Updates:
  • Re-added extended kill feed info to competitive servers (fixed after last game update)
  • Fixed !rules not displaying on Arenas servers
  • Raised the new player start ELO on Retakes servers to match the stable average
KZ Related Updates:
  • Fixed map names not displaying tiers after a certain map
  • Fixed a map misspelling causing it not to be displayed properly
  • Fixed paint size and paint color menus being unavailable for use by donors (KZT only)
  • Added KZ Global API bot to Discord - see the pinned messages in the #botcommands channel for more info!
  • Fixed autostrafe intermittently not functioning on autostrafe/TAS modes

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