Server Update - 5/7/21

  • Staff
Update round-up is here! Last month was not posted so this will be quite thick with content. Updates are always posted in our Discord as they happen, round-ups are posted here on the website.

  • Added new maps:
    • surf_29palms (T4 Staged)
    • surf_boreas (T1 Linear)
    • surf_crush2 (T6 Linear)
    • surf_enlightened (T1 Linear)
    • surf_fortress (T4 Staged)
    • surf_illusion (T2 Staged)
    • surf_monotony (T3 Staged)
    • surf_n_turf (T1 Staged)
    • surf_parachutes (T4 Staged)
    • surf_paradigm (T4 Linear)
    • surf_ravine_go (T1 Linear)
    • surf_road_to_hell (T1 Staged)
    • surf_rooftopsv2 (Tier 1 Staged)
    • surf_serenity2 (T4 Staged)
    • surf_sluice2 (T4 Linear)
    • surf_stonks (T2 Linear)
    • surf_thesteve (T5 Staged)
  • surf_ardon_fix > surf_ardon_refix
  • Fixed missing wall skip on Bonus 5 of surf_serenity2
  • Fixed weapon cleanup issue
  • Added new global maps:
    • kz_allure (T3)
    • kz_cuberunfast (T2)
    • kz_hb_bacon (T2)
    • kz_kiwiexultation (T7)
    • kz_kiwiterror (T7)
    • kz_kzra_coast (T3)
    • kz_kzra_fustcaves (T2)
    • kz_kzra_greycliff (T2)
    • kz_kzra_rockloy (T3)
    • kz_kzra_rocky (T3)
    • kz_kzra_stonebhop (T2)
    • kz_kzra_undercastle (T2)
    • kz_kzro_2boxes1room (T1)
    • kz_kzro_basalt (T2)
    • kz_kzro_beknowater (T1)
    • kz_kzro_cavehole (T3)
    • kz_kzro_cavernste (T2)
    • kz_kzro_cryscosrun (T2)
    • kz_kzro_darkhole (T1)
    • kz_kzro_excitedbhop (T2)
    • kz_kzro_fastcliff (T1)
    • kz_kzro_hexonay (T5)
    • kz_kzro_jaashs (T2)
    • kz_kzro_mountainhaya (T2)
    • kz_kzro_sekiseibhop (T3)
    • kz_kzro_shima (T1)
    • kz_kzro_smallcanyon (T1)
    • kz_kzro_speedcavescape (T1)
    • kz_kzro_syotiles (T1)
    • kz_kzro_whiterock (T2)
    • kz_kzro_yaruna (T1)
    • kz_perf_darkcave (T2)
    • kz_progressive (T3)
    • kz_sonder (T1)
    • kz_sp1_kyuubisroom (T1)
    • kz_stepup (T3)
    • kz_wasabi (T2)
  • Fixed maps (with times transferred):
    • kz_bluuu (T4) - Fix of kz_bluu
    • kz_drunkards (T6) - Fix of kz_drunkards_mental_patch_v2
    • kz_procrastination_f (T6) - Fix of kz_procrastination
    • kz_psychosomatic (T6) - Fix of kz_psychosomatic_exhaustion
    • kz_slide_rovod (T5) - Fix of kz_slide_rov_od_fix_final_v2
    • kz_slidemap_fix (T6) - Fix of kz_slidemap_ez_v2_rmk_final

  • Added de_ancient to rotation
  • Added mg_oaks_multigames_v1
  • Fixed a rare chat filter issue
DIsconnected/missing maps bug when trying to connect to surf_boreas :( can i get the .bsp to add it to my maps folder directly?

P please w cherry on top?

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