Accepted/Completed Some Map Suggestions

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can you also change lies to lies_ksf
A few solid no's to that list:

Roomservice 2 & 3 are barely passible imo, the first one is straight up awful:

Gold1 was really low quality surf last I checked, and not even a bonus to make up for it so I decided against it.

We have misty, I'm pretty sure I just marked it as a t3 since it's not a good fit for easy surf:

Other than that, I definitely recognize some of the other maps you listed and probably passed by them because at the time they were all tele-hoppable, but now that we have a foolproof method of stopping telehops, I'll have to take a look at them again!
Yea most of the maps I suggested are not the best, you already have most of the good t1-2 maps, so just doing the odd ones.

E: OK I regret making that list so I changed it.
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halo wanted to avoid new thread hunter was asking for marah and amplitude_encore
surf_methadone is missing bonuses and i think the last stage the end zone is messed up
b2 is double boosted now no longer possible
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