Accepted/Completed VIP message colors not applying

Solution 1 results:

Solution 2 results after reconnecting after removing the character from my name:
Update: Went to 1v1 #2 and tried it and it came out purple like I wanted then tried to go to #1 and it's still red... Is it potentially something that can be done about what's saved as far as preferences on #1? Is there anyway to just clear preferences on the server end for me and I can try setting it again?


Went to 1v1 #1 and it's still red

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I'll take a look at the configs, they should be exactly the same.

That being said, do you notice the issue depending on the team you're on? Perhaps purple works while on a team, but not in spec?
Well, only took a year and a half to figure out that we had a conflicting plugin from 2018 that flew under the radar. All fixed 🤣

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