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  1. Rainbolt

    Expansion and Partnership

    While I'm happy with the centralized location of Chicago, it's quite exciting news about the expansion. Over the years of being active on a few West coast based servers, popularity has always shined through, as I'm sure the new untapped locations for sneaK's appearing in the West these upcoming...
  2. Rainbolt

    Accepted Staff Application - Spirit1704

    Thanks! I have quite the free time now that I'm localized/regional with the work I do outside of a small Internet org & family, which I've reflected in the original application. With the prior community I have administration with, though I've stepped down officially with the owner as I'd like...
  3. Rainbolt

    Server Update - 10/12/20

    Great option. I've always done the alphabetical list, but it's nice to have a tiers option, similarly to the oldschool UMC. The "fix bots/replays" is something I've often had to do in other servers with permissions. Is this limited to the administration team? Spectator HUD hide - various...
  4. Rainbolt

    Last person who posts wins

    :cool: Sniped
  5. Rainbolt


    Hi there, I've been around sneaK's for quite a number of years, and now making a brief introduction on the forums. I'm a railroad track engineer, and have been online gaming since AOL days of Diablo 2. I initially started surfing in 1.6, then transitioned to CS:GO briefly after it released with...
  6. Rainbolt

    Denied Staff Application - Jess

    As of the moment, I'll have to pass on a vote. It doesn't seem like a serious inquiry as there's a couple of things that point out to me. Initially, finding the reasoning you were muted on the Discord, and additionally, there's a game ban on your Steam profile which is set to private.
  7. Rainbolt

    Accepted Staff Application - Spirit1704

    Thanks for the responses! I've not been terribly active as of lately as I've been on the West based server, and a private one at my house primarily. I'd hop in sneaK's during the morning hours prior to work mostly. I've since made sneaK's my primary go-to again as I'm stepping away from the...
  8. Rainbolt

    Accepted Staff Application - Spirit1704

    User name: Spring1704 In-Game Name: Spirit1704 Age: 29 Steam Profile Link: Position(s) you are applying for: Moderator Server(s) you primarily play on: Beginner & Easy primarily Would you commit yourself to regularly answering Call Admin...
  9. Rainbolt

    Feedback Appreciation VIP

    On past servers I've been a part of, a few of them had an "appreciation VIP" for original, or players that's been a part of the community for a period of time with no offenses on their records. The "appreciation VIP" for most of those servers primarily enlisted specialized tag/abilities over...
  10. Rainbolt

    Request Surf - Map "set record on" date

    A discussion was brought up earlier in sneaK's community about possibly being able to view dates set on our records. It's not a priority suggestion, but it's one that'd be quite fun to lookup. Similarly as !timeplayed. The ideal: When a user !p's themselves, or others, and views "Finished...

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