While I'm happy with the centralized location of Chicago, it's quite exciting news about the expansion. Over the years of being active on a few West coast based servers, popularity has always shined through, as I'm sure the new untapped locations for sneaK's appearing in the West these upcoming...
I have quite the free time now that I'm localized/regional with the work I do outside of a small Internet org & family, which I've reflected in the original application. With the prior community I have administration with, though I've stepped down officially with the owner as I'd like...
Great option. I've always done the alphabetical list, but it's nice to have a tiers option, similarly to the oldschool UMC.
The "fix bots/replays" is something I've often had to do in other servers with permissions. Is this limited to the administration team?
Spectator HUD hide - various...
Hi there,
I've been around sneaK's for quite a number of years, and now making a brief introduction on the forums. I'm a railroad track engineer, and have been online gaming since AOL days of Diablo 2. I initially started surfing in 1.6, then transitioned to CS:GO briefly after it released with...
As of the moment, I'll have to pass on a vote.
It doesn't seem like a serious inquiry as there's a couple of things that point out to me. Initially, finding the reasoning you were muted on the Discord, and additionally, there's a game ban on your Steam profile which is set to private.
Thanks for the responses!
I've not been terribly active as of lately as I've been on the West based server, and a private one at my house primarily. I'd hop in sneaK's during the morning hours prior to work mostly.
I've since made sneaK's my primary go-to again as I'm stepping away from the...
User name: Spring1704
In-Game Name:
Steam Profile Link:
Position(s) you are applying for:
Server(s) you primarily play on:
Beginner & Easy primarily
Would you commit yourself to regularly answering Call Admin...
On past servers I've been a part of, a few of them had an "appreciation VIP" for original, or players that's been a part of the community for a period of time with no offenses on their records. The "appreciation VIP" for most of those servers primarily enlisted specialized tag/abilities over...
A discussion was brought up earlier in sneaK's community about possibly being able to view dates set on our records. It's not a priority suggestion, but it's one that'd be quite fun to lookup. Similarly as !timeplayed.
The ideal: When a user !p's themselves, or others, and views "Finished...
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