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Got a link to your steam account? Also, what server you were on and approximately what time (+timezone) did this happen?

It's possible steam authentication servers were bugging out, not uncommon around when updates happen.
My name on steam is ♕ SPACE MAN ♕. I was on the advanced server around 8-10 EST if I had to guess.
I went back to surf_yellow and got a b1 b2 and b3 times since I didn't have them before.
Below is the profile where the times I had gotten two days ago went to

You can see the surf_yellow times which should be removed since i completed them not this user .
Ah, so as I guessed. Steam servers were failing to authorize users - we should more properly deal with them as this happens, however for the meantime this is a collection of times from various unauthed users, including your couple times.
midsommar b3 rec

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